Terms of Use...

"In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex."
  -- Henry David Thoreau

In the spirt of simplicity, we'll keep the legalize to a minimum...

The full text of Walden has been in the public domain in the United States for many years and is not under any copyright restrictions.

Images of Thoreau used on this site, including the famous 1856 daguerreotype by Benjamin D. Maxham, are assumed to be free of copyright restrictions for non-commercial use. Cover images of the various editions of Walden are copyright works of the respective publishers and are used on this site under terms of fair use.

Any content available via the Developer API can be used without restriction.

The rest of the web site is original content and is copyright © 2014 by Bryan Rubenau. We encourage links to the site, but original content outside of what is available through the public Developer API should not be copied or used elsewhere without permission and attribution (Contact us).